Wondering how you get Chaos Factor? It is very simple. You start earning it once you hit Mastery Rank 100 or you consume a Chaos Coin. Also, if you are a Trove Patron you get +2 Chaos Factor.

All of this helps you earn double the chances to unlock the Sugar Glider mount which also comes with this patch.

A few of the new stuff coming this patch are, Trove now will have an intro video showing off some of its past. Also, they are adding in tradable Patron Passes. You can trade or gift them to people in-game, once consumed the pass is locked to that players account.

You can now do /epicpose, this allows you to change the camera’s angle to show off things such as your gear. You can use this feature to take great screenshots to show off to your friends or post on your blog.

So check the game out today once the patch is done and try to earn yourself a Sugar Glider mount.

Let us know what you think of this patch in the comments.