Additionally, he is an Eagle Scout, picked to be a tip top Presidental Guard in the Marines. Learn session his detainment and whereabouts underneath. Trevor Wikipedia subtleties are undocumented.

Be that as it may, one can acquire a short knowledge into his profile from this article. Trevor Reed guardians are Joey Reed and Paula Reed. They are presently begging Presidents of both Russia and America to give their child back home access Texas. Trevor turns out to be detained in Russia.

His folks are fearful about Trevor’s circumstance in jail.They guara ntee Russian specialists have not furnished him with appropriate medical services in the midst of this pandemic.

They have additionally mentioned that the Russian specialists telephone them and compose and get letters once more. Trevor is detained in Russia now. He has been detained for a long time since July 2020.

How did he respond? According to BBC, he was condemned for purportedly assaulting 2 Russian officials in an inebriated state. Nonetheless, Reed and his family have denied the claims.

They guarantee that he is being held as a pawn, and his capture is absolutely inspired by political reasons. Trevor Reed age is 29 years presently. Be that as it may, the subtleties on his accurate date of birth are not uncovered. Trevor Reed sweetheart Lina Tsybulnik is Russian. He is said to have visited Russia last year to visit her and gain proficiency with the Russian language. As indicated by CNN, Lina is his life partner.

Besides, on June 7, Reed composed a letter to his family illuminating them that he contact the Covid. According to the Russian guideline, the letter was written in Russian, and Lina had made an interpretation of it into English for his family.