There are some sets of pictures I do know some of the requirements for, which we are going to go over here in this guide. There are some others that are a bit of a mystery, and getting them seems to be completely random. Though I definitely can’t say that for certain.

I will not be showing every picture from each set here, because part of the fun is getting each one and seeing it brand new with your own eyes. The images shown here are the “default” versions of these image sets, generally with only the frog.

If you’re wary of having your fun spoiled, I recommend skipping over the final “Unknown requirements” section as the images in those sets do not vary much.

If you’re playing Travel Frog blind, I highly recommend taking a look at one of these translation guides so you have some idea of what you’re doing:

Friend & Food Translation Guide Item Translation Guide (You’ll need this one to use this guide so you know the names of the foods) How to Play & Tutorial Guide

If you’ve gotten your fill here and want to get to the good stuff, I’ve also compiled the 12 rarest pictures you can get in Travel Frog.

Region: Tohoku

You can increase the chances of getting pictures from these sets by giving the frog a Northern Province Ticket.

There are three versions of this picture in total. You can increase your chances of getting one of these pictures by giving the frog the following foods:

Onion Quiche Pumpkin Bouro Strawberry Candy

There are two versions of this picture in total. You can increase your chances of getting one of these pictures by giving the frog the following foods:

Onion Quiche Stellaria Sandwich Chive Pierogi Milk Bouro

Region: Kanto

You can increase your chances of getting pictures from this set by giving your frog the Eastern Province Ticket.

There are two versions of this picture in total. You can increase your chances of getting one of these pictures by giving the frog the following foods:

Chive Pierogi Onion Quiche

You may also be able to give it Onsen Buns, but that is not confirmed.

Region: Chuubu

There are three versions of this picture in total. You can increase your chances of getting one of these pictures by giving the frog the following foods:

Grape Scone Onion Quiche

There are three versions of this picture in total. You can increase your chances of getting one of these pictures by giving the frog the following foods:

Pumpkin Bagel Edamame Bouro

Region: Kansai

You can increase the chances of getting pictures from these sets by giving the frog a Western Province Ticket.

There are two versions of this picture in total. You can increase your chances of getting one of these pictures by giving the frog the following food:

Wormwood Focaccia

There are three versions of this picture in total. You can increase your chances of getting one of these pictures by giving the frog the following foods:

Pumpkin Bagel Wormwood Focaccia

There are two versions of this picture in total. You can increase your chances of getting one of these pictures by giving the frog the following foods:

Grape Scone Pumpkin Bagel Pumpkin Bouro

Region: Kyuushuu

You can increase the chances of getting pictures from these sets by giving the frog a Southern Province Ticket.

There are four versions (The most yet!) of this picture in total. You can increase your chances of getting one of these pictures by giving the frog the following foods:

Grape Scone Wormwood Focaccia

There are two versions of this picture in total. You can increase your chances of getting one of these pictures by giving the frog the following foods:

Pumpkin Bagel Wormwood Focaccia

Bentou pictures

This is a set of three pictures that vary based on the food you sent the frog out with. I’m not sure of the exact requirements for these pictures, but they appear to require the frog have two different lunches on-hand for his friends.

Below are possibly the three food combinations needed to get these. It’s hard to tell what the foods are from the pictures, so the best I can do is give an educated guess:

Two of the three pictures require a Stellaria Sandwich, this is certain The last one requires a Chive Pierogi, which I am also certain of

Tent Pictures

Yes, your frog will bring back special pictures based on the tools you send it out with! The first is tents.

There are seven separate pictures in this set, though there is only one like the above with no tent in particular. You do not seem to need to include a tent to get the above picture.

In order to get the other pictures, you must send the frog out with either the Natural, Stylish, or High-Tech Tent items.

Hand Towel Pictures

The requirements for these are just as they are with the tents: If you give the frog the required item, it may come back with one of the pictures in this set. And also like the tent pictures, there are two “default” images with no special requirements.

There are seven pictures in this set in total. Three require no actual Hand Towels to be equipped. Two require the Hand Towel (Earth) and two require Hand Towel (Camo).

There are seven pictures in this set as well. Two require no actual Hand Towels to be equipped. Two require Hand Towel (Camo), two require Hand Towel (Earth), and one requires Hand Towel (Wood).

Bowl Pictures

A frog’s gotta drift downstream somehow, right?

Most of the pictures in this set require that you have given the frog a bowl to take with him. I believe there are six pictures in this set, with two not requiring an actual bowl.

Unknown Requirements

There are a large number of pictures I’m not sure of the requirements for just yet. Many of them seem to be generic, with slight variances based on where the frog has traveled. I’d label these as “filler” pictures, though I assure you the variations are all cuter than these basic examples shown.

There are 15 pictures in this set.

This is the only picture in this set.

There are 12 pictures in this set.

There are 12 pictures in this set.

There are four pictures in this set.

There are three pictures in this set.

There are two pictures in this set.

There are three pictures in this set.

That’s all the picture sets I know of in Travel Frog for the time being. Getting every single picture takes a very long time, but with patience (and a lot of frog journeys), you’re sure to get them all eventually!

If this guide helped you, check out my other Travel Frog guides here on GameSkinny. How else are you going to figure out how to play? Testing things yourself? Psh, naw. I haven’t put so much effort into it with two accounts for nothing.