The story is directly connected to protagonists Swin and Nadia in Hajimari no Kiseki, it connects to Sharon Kreuger’s backstory, and it teases some of the plot setup for future games set in the Republic of Calvard.

Cold Steel 4 is huge, though, and there are often long spaces between finding “Three & Nine” chapters. Our Three and Nine locations guide takes the guesswork out of where and when to find each chapter.

Trails of Cold Steel 4: All “Three & Nine” Chapter Locations

As with Cold Steel 3, you can purchase some books from Neinvalli Exchange if you missed them the first time around in Cold Steel 4. Just know there are some big chunks in the middle of the game where you don’t have access to the exchange store.

I also got each Three & Nine chapter when it was available, so I don’t know if they stack at the exchange store (e.g., if you miss two chapters, whether they both show up for purchase later).

Luckily, if you use the list below, you won’t have to worry about that. 


That’s it for our Trails of Cold Steel 4 Three & Nine chapter locations guide, but be on the lookout for more Cold Steel 4 guides in the coming days. If you found this guide useful, please consider giving it a share! 

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