Getting to it isn’t straightforward either and requires mental and physical gymnastics. This Tower of Fantasy guide will show you where you need to go.

Quicksand Lair Spacerift Location

The first step to unlocking the Quicksand Lair Spacerift is to reach its entry point. The marker is in the southernmost section of the map, so if you haven’t been far from Mirroria, it’s quite the journey.

Stop by the other Spacerifts and Terrain Markers on your way there, so you don’t have to backtrack. When you get close to the Quicksand Lair marker, you’ll notice there is no Spacerift in sight. It’s far below the quicksand pool, and getting there takes a little work.

You’ll notice in the pool of quicksand near the marker there’s a portion near its center that’s swirling.

To reach the Lair, land in the middle of the swirling portion, then let yourself be consumed by it.

Rather than dying as you would with a normal quicksand pool, if you’re right at the center of the vortex, there will be a fade to black, and when you can see again, you’ll be in the Lair.

The easiest way to get to the center of the vortex is to head onto the hills below the giant rock formation near the quicksand pool.

Use the jetpack thrusters to get some air, then carefully position yourself above the swirling sand. Once you’re in the Quicksand Lair, make the easy jump across the chasm to activate the Spacerift.

It’s not the most challenging puzzle in Vera, but activating the Quicksand Lair Spacerift isn’t the most straightforward, either. We’ve covered other topics unique to the new update, including Old Vera Coins and solving Ruin Stone Puzzles. Our Tower of Fantasy guides hub has more.