There’s a lot of love for these aviary companions in the Pokémon community. Even if you’re not a fan, chances are you’re forced to keep one so it can fly you around the region. There are big ones, small ones, cute ones, and really questionable ones. There’s some that fly and others that don’t. Overall, it’s one of the most varied kinds of Pokémon in the entire franchise. Whether you want to make an all-bird team or choose one to represent flying creatures in your party, this variety can make it difficult to settle on just one. I’ve put together this list precisely for you bird-loving people out there. So you can reminisce on past adventures and freshen-up a bit on your Pokémon knowledge.

55. Eiscue

We start off the list with one of the most bizarre designs in the Pokémon franchise to date. Come on Game Freak, you cut so many Pokémon from Sword & Shield for this? I mean, I have nothing against penguins, but putting an ice cube on a bird’s head doesn’t count as creating a Pokémon. Not even the gimmick of its ice cube melting off to reveal its unsettling face can save it. In combat, Eiscue’s Ice Face ability lets it avoid a single physical attack, and it’s overall quite a tanky Pokémon, but really, there are others to pick from. My heart went cold for this bird.

54. Vullaby

A little less badly-designed but equally appalling in looks and concept is Vullaby, the… Diapered Pokémon. It’s essentially a baby carrion bird that walks around with half of its egg still attached to its underside. What’s even the point of doing that? Oh, and despite being Dark/Flying-type, it can’t actually fly at all. So that’s cool.

53. Mandibuzz

The first airborne Pokémon in the list is Mandibuzz, Vullaby’s evolution from Generation V. Quite a step up! Frankly, I might have been persuaded to put Mandibuzz a little higher if it weren’t for that awful baby form. The Bone Vulture Pokémon has quite decent stats, focused on Defense and Sp. Defense. This survivability probably comes in part from the bones it uses to decorate and protect its body.

52. Delibird

Known as the Delivery Pokémon, Delibird is a middle ground between Santa Claus and an underpaid delivery boy from your local 24/7 pizza joint. It spends all day carrying around its food in a bag from one end of its habitat to the other. The Pokédex doesn’t explain why it does this, but it is known to share that food with other Pokémon or travelers in need. This Ice/Flying-type is not very powerful in battle, but it’s difficult to deny its chubby charm.

51. Cramorant

This royal blue bird from the Galar region is also known for carrying food around, except it does so in its beak. Known as the Gulp Pokémon, Cramorant has the Gulp Missile ability, which lets it bring back fish from the sea after using moves like Surf. It can then launch these fish at enemies as projectiles to deal some extra damage. Despite this interesting quirk, this Flying/Water-type is an overall mediocre Pokémon in combat.

50. Chatot

This Generation IV addition is the Pokemon universe’s take on a talking bird, having the ability to learn and speak human words if it spends time around people. With a tropical design resembling a musical note, Chatot is the perfect Pokémon companion for pirates, but don’t expect it to help in combat. Its best stats are Sp. Atk and Speed, but they’re nothing to write home about.

49. Spearow

On the opposite end of the intelligence spectrum lies Spearow, one of the Tiny Bird Pokémon from the original 151. In my long years of discussing Pokémon with friends and online acquaintances, I’ve never met anyone who liked Spearow. Other than because it’s on the original roster. That and its dramatic portrayal in the Pokémon anime’s first episode, where a group of them pecks Ash and Pikachu to exhaustion until the latter scares them away with a Thundershock.

48. Fearow

Despite this fearsome encounter, Ash eventually goes on to catch and raise a Spearow until it finally evolves into a Fearow. It’s known as the Beak Pokémon, and it’s easy to figure out why. I mean, they could easily stab someone with that thing, and many of them probably have. Speed and Attack are its best attributes in combat, and despite not being especially strong, it can be viable as a companion for clearing a first generation Pokémon game.

47. Wingull

I always loved the simple, charming design on these little sea breeze-loving fellows. For me, the games taking place in the Hoenn region always had a sort of nautical appeal to them. Maybe it was the vivid colors in water areas, or simply a consequence of the many interesting things to do when using Surf to traverse bodies of water. The Generation III games went on to become my favorites, and Wingull encompasses a lot of that charm.

46. Pelipper

Of course, I ended up catching and training one during my playthrough. I appreciated its Water/Flying-type at first, but as fights got harder and my other Pokémon stronger, it was relegated to a less prominent but just as important role: HM Slave. You see, Pelipper can learn both Fly and Surf. And even less common moves like Waterfall and Dive. It was also useful to power up my Swampert, since its Drizzle ability makes it rain when entering a battle.

45. Ducklett

Another Pokémon bringing together air and water is Generation V’s Ducklett. Like Pelipper, it’s known as the Water Bird Pokémon, and they share other characteristics, like being excellent divers. It’s a cutie-patootie with a charming, cute design and beautiful colors.

44. Swanna

But its main feature is the fact that it evolves into Swanna, the White Bird Pokémon. This Water/Flying-type has everything we’ve come to associate with swans throughout the years. It’s graceful and gives off an aura of harmony. As a nod to Tchaikovsky’s “Dance of the Swans”, this bird is known to engage in choreographed dances with its peers.

43. Hoothoot

Back when Harry Potter movies were at their peak, Hoothoot enjoyed some popularity in certain circles. Known as the Owl Pokémon, this Normal/Flying-type was made to bring the Johto region to life, rather than for combat. Despite not being able to win you any badges, this Pokémon is known to be able to tell the time perfectly with a special organ, and it will start hooting every day at the same time.

42. Noctowl

Hedwig! I thought you were dead! After enough fighting and traveling, your Hoothoot will evolve into a Noctowl. Despite having great HP and even some Sp. Defense, Noctowl remains better at other things rather than fighting, like guiding Trainers through dense, dark forests and looking wise.

41. Murkrow

Murkrow is the one you want for your Halloween costume. This Dark/Flying-type is a favorite of witchy individuals all across the world. It’s known as the Darkness Pokémon, and it’s believed to bring misfortune to anyone who sees it. If you’re able to ignore prejudices and superstition, you’ll find out it’s actually quite the lucky Pokémon. Its ability, Super Luck, can heighten its critical rate!

40. Honchkrow

Known as the Big Boss Pokémon, Honchkrow is the one calling the shots in the world of Pokémon crime. Still making use of its Super Luck ability, Honchkrow can be a powerful ally thanks to its great Attack and acceptable Sp. Attack. In the wild it rarely fights its own battles, as its Murkrow cronies will follow its every order.

39. Natu

In the Pokémon universe, you never know whether a Pokémon inspired an object, or vice-versa. That seems to be the case with Natu, a Tiny Bird Pokémon that looks like it was carved out of wood by aboriginal tribes and painted with pigments of the forest. This totem-like creature is a Psychic/Flying-type that has yet to develop strong enough wings to stay airborne. Instead, it jumps at great heights with relative ease, usually to reach the fruit of cacti.

38. Xatu

Once it evolves, it only looks more like a sacred ritual item… or a trinket you could find at some souvenir store in an American reservation. Known as the Mystic Pokémon, it’s said Xatu spend most of the day standing motionless staring at the sun. Supposedly it’s because its ability to see past and future has revealed horrifying truths. In combat, the only thing its Future Sight is good for is sweeping through the enemy team with Xatu’s high Sp. Attack and Speed stats. The Magic Bounce hidden ability can also keep it safe from status ailments.

37. Sigilyph

Despite looking eerily similar in style to Xatu, Sigilyph is an entirely different species added in Generation V. Perhaps a kind of regional variant? The Avianoid Pokémon is modeled after the mysterious Nazca Lines in Southern Peru, and it’s said they never change their flight paths because long ago they were tasked with guarding a city. The metropolis is no more, but its guards continue to roam its ruins.

36. Dodrio

One of the most bizarre Pokémon back in the days of the original games was Dodrio, the Triple Bird Pokémon. This Normal/Flying-type has three heads with separate brains inhabiting the same body. Despite seeming useless and counter-productive, it turns out it has its advantages, like one head keeping watch as the others sleep and supervising every direction when in combat. While not especially strong, it can carry its own weight in a battle with nice Attack and Speed values.

35. Pidove

Generation V’s first readily-available bird-like Pokémon is this little ball of cuteness. Known as the Tiny Pigeon Pokémon, Pidove is a Normal/Flying-type whose most remarkable characteristic is how stupid it is. I’ve got nothing against it, but it’s forgetful, and will almost always have issues understanding its Trainer.

34. Unfezant

That said, if Arceus has blessed you with patience and you manage to raise a Pidove to adulthood, you’ll be rewarded with an amazing partner. Unfezant is Pidove’s final form, with different-looking male and female versions. Both are styled after a pair of socialites wearing carnival masks, and they’re known as the Proud Pokémon for their prideful demeanor. It has both the Speed and Attack to defend its pride and honor in battle with dignity, and its Big Pecks ability keeps the latter from being lowered by stuff like Intimidate.

33. Pikipek

If you’re into woodworking or have worked in a construction site for long enough, you’ll find Pikipek’s constant pecking of wood a familiar rhythm. Introduced in Generation VII’s Alola region, Pikipek are tiny and adorable birdies with a remarkably high Attack value from the get-go. They’re known as the Woodpecker Pokémon, and this tendency to repeatedly peck wood translates to the Skill Link ability in combat, which maximizes the number of hits it gets in when using multi-hit moves.

32. Toucannon

Trusting Pikipek’s competence despite its small size and taking it with you in your journey will eventually turn it into Toucannon. This angry-looking bird is known as the Cannon Pokémon and is fashioned after a colorful toucan. It’s said they form incredibly harmonious couples in the wild, which resulted in them being used as good luck charms for Alolan weddings. Like Pikipek, its Attack stat is exceptional, but it doesn’t have much else going for it in terms of Pokémon battles.

31. Rufflet

If woodworking and multicolored beaks are not what you’re looking for in an aviary companion, perhaps you’ll find Generation V’s Rufflet a more appealing option. The Eaglet Pokémon is known to bravely stand up to opponents several times its size, but this courageous behavior is reckless, and often puts it in danger. It has a weird and unique vibe that foretells greatness.

30. Braviary

This greatness eventually arrives in the form of Braviary, the amazing Valiant Pokémon that rules over the skies of the Unova region. Its recklessness has been replaced by confidence in its skills, backed by experience from many battles. Both its Attack and HP are stellar, so expect a very bulky bruiser. This Normal/Flying-type has one of the neatest designs in Generation V, featuring a menacing form and solid colors that almost make it look like a fighter jet.

29. Taillow

Coming in as Hoenn’s version of the “easy-access, cute bird” trope is Taillow, the Tiny Swallow Pokémon. This cheeky little bird accompanied me through my adventures in the Hoenn region more than once. I remember feeling captivated by its color scheme and slick design, which remains among the best in the franchise. According to the Pokédex, they’re courageous creatures that never back down from a challenge. They also feed on Wurmple, which I find positive.

28. Swellow

All that courage eventually helps Taillow grow into this elegant and badass Pokémon. You’d be hard-pressed to find a faster fighter in the typical player’s team. If hit by a status ailment the Guts ability raises its Attack value, allowing it to return the favor. Swellow live and travel in groups, which get together to help each other clean their feathers, which helps them keep their slick style and glossy wings.

27. Archen

Among the most wondrous Pokémon you can bring to life from a fossil is Archen, the First Bird Pokémon. Like a missing link between dinosaurs and modern birds, this cute and creative design blends characteristics of both to great results. Even in this baby form, this Rock/Flying-type can reach remarkable Attack values thanks to its Defeatist ability, which enhances the stat when its HP is over the halfway mark.

26. Archeops

Once it evolves into its final form, Archen becomes a majestic creature, very similar to its real-life counterpart, the Archaeopteryx. It retains its Defeatist ability, which coupled with great offensive capabilities and Speed makes Archeops a truly viable party member for single-player and competitive play alike. Also has to be one of the coolest fossil monsters in the series.

25. Yveltal

Known as the Destruction Pokémon, Yveltal doesn’t exactly look like a bird, but it’s a Dark/Flying-type and it has wings, so we’ll just go with it. This menacing figure made its debut as Pokémon Y’s titular Legendary pocket monster, and it’s made a name for itself thanks to its incredible offensive capabilities. Its Dark Aura ability powers-up Dark-type moves, of which Yveltal has plenty. And yes, it’s clearly designed to resemble the letter “Y”.

24. Corviknight

Will dark knights ever get old? The final form of Generation VIII’s Rookidee is possibly the coolest Pokémon ever made. It’s a Flying/Steel-type beast with black metal wings resembling a knight’s plate armor. This intimidating appearance exerts Pressure over other birds and Pokémon of the region, doubling PP expenses and allowing it to reign supreme over Galar’s skies. At the same time, it’s become the official Pokémon of the region’s aerial taxi service. In combat, it’ll take anything its foes have to throw at it like a champ thanks to its excellent Defense stat, and its Mirror Armor ability will deflect any status ailments back at the aggressor.

23. Farfetch’d

Instead of armor, our next Pokémon prefers focusing on the offensive, wielding a leek as its weapon of choice. I’m talking about Farfetch’d, the OG Wild Duck Pokémon from Generation I. According to the Pokédex, there are several forms of leek-wielding to be seen among Farfetch’d, which is evidenced by its Galarian variety’s bigger leek, which they hold differently. If Miku Hatsune was a Pokémon Trainer, I’m pretty sure Farfetch’d would be her favorite critter.

22. Sirfetch’d

With the eyes of a silver fox and a great leek sword comes Sirfetch’d, the knightly and honorable evolution of Farfetch’d. Both in the wild and under the direction of a Trainer, they’re all about chivalry and keeping fights fair. After all, a Pokémon with its good, well-rounded stats doesn’t need underhanded tactics. It won’t let them be used against it either, bypassing even Ghost-type’s immunity to Normal and Fighting-type moves thanks to its Scrappy hidden ability. Make sure you value this warrior while it lasts, for it’ll abandon battles altogether once its great leek withers away.

21. Skarmory

One of the first Steel-type Pokémon to enter the fray back when the type was introduced in Generation II was Skarmory, the OG metal bird long before Corviknight came along. I remember this Pokémon being treated as somewhat of a Legendary given how hard it was to get, and how unusual a Steel/Flying-type felt back then. While not actually Legendary, Skarmory does have some very nice stats, and its Defense is through the roof. This has made it a very popular tank in the competitive scene.

20. Oricorio

I’ve always been a fan of Pokémon with different forms, like Alola’s most unique bird, Oricorio. This bird is known all around the region for its dancing moves, which change along with Oricorio’s appearance and typing depending on what kind of Nectar it has most recently consumed. Its Baile, Pom Pom, Sensu and Pa’u forms are all based on culturally diverse dances from all around the world, from Spain to Japan. In battle, Oricorio is a very versatile Pokémon thanks to its dynamic types. It has nice Speed and Sp. Attack, so it functions as a convenient sweeper.

19. Pidgey

Just because something is old doesn’t mean it’s forgotten, and Pidgey is the perfect example. Everyone has trained one at some point, watching it grow and learning the secrets to evolution as it went from the Tiny Bird Pokémon to something more. Despite being the very first bird-type Pokémon a player could catch in the first generation of games, Pidgey’s popularity is far from waning. All of this just makes it weird it hasn’t gotten any new regional varieties or anything of the sort.

18. Pidgeot

At least Pidgeot got a Mega Evolution, right? And it unmistakably needed one. Despite being such an iconic figure in Pokémon history, its stats remain as they were back in the day. Pidgeot has amazing Speed, but it’s pretty mediocre otherwise. Still, this Magikarp-eating Pokémon has earned its place in the fandom’s heart.

17. Piplup

I told you I had nothing against penguins. And how could I when Piplup, the cutest starter in Generation IV, is the Penguin Pokémon? This proud Pokémon is notorious for rejecting gifts and being overall hard to bond with. But if you manage to do so, you’ll find a powerful companion for the rest of your adventure as it slowly goes from a tiny, adorable penguin to a force of destruction.

16. Prinplup

The first step in this transformation is evolving into Prinplup, a princely bird with a design resembling some sort of military uniform. In the wild, these Pokémon refuse to form groups because each of them considers itself the most important Prinplup. For this reason it comes as little surprise when you suddenly realize your Prinplup is 15 levels above everyone else in your party and repeatedly solos every fight.

15. Empoleon

Finally, your princely penguin will abandon any semblance of subtlety and crown itself the Emperor Pokémon. This Water/Steel-type beast features an incredibly creative design based on Napoleon Bonaparte. Other than looking cool, Empoleon also shines bright for its high Sp. Attack and Sp. Defense, which make it a powerful bruiser who can take a beating before going down. During the single-player progression, few things will be able to stand up to this imperial bird.

14. Moltres

Even the night sky will turn red when this fiery bird flies overhead. The first of the original Legendary birds to make it into the list is Moltres, the Flame Pokémon. It’s said to bring early Spring to the places it visits, and whenever it’s wounded, a tub of molten lava is just the thing it needs to feel better. Choose it for a fight and you’ll be surprised at this Fire/Flying-type’s variety of powerful moves like Burn Up and Hurricane, and its effectiveness as a sweeper. This guy also made the list of my favorite fire types and frankly it deserves every pixel of that spot on the page.

13. Swablu

But power isn’t all it’s about, right? That’s why this cute ball of fluff from Generation III made it so high up on the list. Known as the Cotton Bird Pokémon, Swablu is essentially a ball of cotton swaying in the wind. How it manages to direct its flight with those fluffy wings is a mystery to me.

12. Altaria

Swablu may not be the most revolutionary Pokémon, but its evolution arrived to change things up back in the day. In Generation III Dragon-type was still pretty overpowered. So when they released this Dragon/Flying-type beast, the competitive scene was shaken. Even today, it’s a solid Pokémon despite Fairy-type arriving to balance Dragon-type out. Its appearance is noble, probably the most beautiful of all birds, and its Mega Altaria form takes the fluff to the next level. This lively creature is known to sing in a gorgeous soprano voice, which has earned it the title of “Humming Pokémon”.

11. Zapdos

With a tasteful, slick design and the personality to back it up comes the Thor of Pokémon, Zapdos. This Electric-type Legendary bird was in the first Pokémon movie I watched as a kid, and it holds a special place in my heart. Other than a pleasing design, Zapdos has a lot going for it in combat, where it functions as a massively powerful sweeper with stellar stats focusing on Sp. Attack, as expected of an old-school Electric-type.

10. Starly

Most trainers keep at least one bird in their teams during their journey, and since it’s more often than not the first one they encounter, it’s important to put in the effort to make them cool and effective in combat. Starly fulfilled this role in the Sinnoh region from Generation IV, and its cute design so heavily influenced by doves was a nice callback to the simplicity of Pidgey. This is peak Pokémon design if you ask me.

9. Staraptor

By the time you get to the Elite Four, your Starly will have turned into Staraptor, the Predator Pokémon. This Normal/Flying-type beast will Intimidate its foes and lower their Attack stat to compensate for having low Defense itself. Then it’ll proceed to wipe the floor with its foes with its stellar Attack and Speed stats and moves like Brave Bird or Close Combat. Most Staraptor in the wild leave their flocks to travel the world challenging stronger foes on their own, so traveling with a Trainer seems like their ideal life.

8. Articuno

Whenever I think “Bird Pokémon”, I think of Articuno. Its beautiful design engraved itself deep into my mind since I was a child. I still remember how it looked in Pokémon Stadium, taking full advantage of its 3D graphics and excellent effects. Well, at the time they were. Known as the Freeze Pokémon, this Legendary bird is said to make it snow when flying overhead. In combat, it’s a tanky sweeper with excellent Sp. Defense, and its Pressure ability will make sure foes run out of PP before they can seriously damage this magnificent creature.

7. Rowlet

One of the cutest starters in the history of Pokémon has to be Rowlet, the Grass Quill Pokémon from Generation VII. It’s a true gift to bird lovers all around to get such a great Grass-type starter. It even wears a bowtie so you know it’s the gentleman’s choice.

6. Dartrix

Every cute, round Pokémon must eventually move on to a more “serious” look. Rowlet trades its adorable charm for a more senior-like design when turning into Dartrix, the Blade Quill Pokémon. It may not be the strongest Pokémon out there yet. But it’ll carry you through plenty of gyms thanks to its decent offensive capabilities and Overgrow skill.

5. Decidueye

All of the effort and time put into training Dartrix comes to fruition when it turns into Decidueye, who looks more like an Assassin than a Pokémon. It’s a weird turn away from its gentleman/butler look, which makes me wonder whether it’s all just one big Batman reference. In any case, the Arrow Quill Pokémon has an incredibly cool, hooded design that made it my favorite Alolan starter from the minute I laid eyes on it. This bow-wielding Grass/Ghost-type shines in combat thanks to its excellent offensive capabilities, which backed up by solid Sp. Defense makes it into one of the bulkiest bruisers in your team for sure.

4. Fletchling

By the time the sixth Generation of Pokémon rolled in, Game Freak had plenty of experience designing that one readily-available, first-catch bird. The result of their years of expertise was Fletchling, the Tiny Robin Pokémon, a Normal/Flying-type with the tiniest… everything! It really should be called the “Smol Pokémon”. If you think its appearance is endearing, just imagine a bunch of them chirping at each other in the forests of the Kalos region, and you can begin to picture how it’s like to denizens of the Pokémon world.

3. Talonflame

That cuteness quickly turns into badassery once Fletchling reaches its final form, Talonflame. Among the many improvements is the change to Fire/Flying-type, which is accompanied by a change in design from a small, cute critter to something of a middle ground between a bird of prey and a military jet. With insane Speed and great abilities like Flame Body and Gale Wings, the Scorching Pokémon will most likely be a key player in your fight against the Elite Four, and will be with you when you’re crowned Pokémon Champion.

2. Ho-Oh

In the first episode of the anime, the young Ash sees a majestic bird overhead far up in the sky. Shortly after that episode premiered, this Pokémon was introduced in the second generation of games. It was Ho-Oh, the Rainbow Pokémon, believed to bring happiness to anyone who sees its seven-colored wings shimmering under the sun. This OG Legendary bird doesn’t usually get the love it deserves being overshadowed by Lugia’s more… unique design. But there’s no doubt that it’s an amazing Fire/Flying-type that’ll lead you to victory in many battles were you to catch and train it.

1. Hawlucha

Flying far above the Legendary birds, with the style and strength to crown itself the champion of the Pokémon League and WWE alike comes Hawlucha, the best bird Pokémon in the entire franchise. Other than having one of the most uncommon and stylish designs ever to grace the Pokémon universe, this beast has all the makings of a winner in competitive play. Along with great Speed it has the Unburden ability, which doubles said stat once the Pokémon consumes the item it’s carrying. Give it the right item and you’ll be set. It goes to show that lineage and size matter little when the glory of victory is on the line.

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