Don’t Utilize Pokemon Go While Driving

You shouldn’t have your phone in your hand while operating a motor vehicle anyway; however, this new app is exciting and everyone wants to catch em all. The best way to do that is to walk around and get exercise while being the best like no one ever was.

Be Vigilant

While walking around please be vigilant to your surroundings. Pokemon are in grass and sidewalks; there is no need to stop in the middle of the street/ crosswalks trying to catch Pokemon. They are in parking lots, so be aware of the cars around even if they are parked. Always be cautious.

From personal experience, someone was staring at me as I was wondering around seemingly aimlessly in the plaza parking lot

The Location Tool Isn’t Always Your Friend

When using the location on your phone, be careful. It’s easy to find people while using your location for Facebook the same thing goes for Pokemon Go. It logs exactly where you’ve caught each Pokemon.

This Isn’t Pokemon Red, Don’t Walk Into Random Houses

Do not walk into anyone’s house, backyard, or property in the name of Pokemon Go; trespassing charges are legitimate, and you don’t catch one. There is a Pokemon Stop in a police station in Australia and law enforcement have put up a sign telling trainers not to come in.

Pokemon Go At Night 

Pokemon Go can be used well into the night, but be careful in areas you’ve never been in or are unfamiliar with. Be vigilant at night – there are thieves and creepers just waiting for you to preoccupied so they can prey on you.

Enjoying Pokemon Go and being safe is very possible. On that note; safe travels trainers.