I don’t want to get my hopes up too much since Nintendo is still in the process of figure things out, but that doesn’t mean I can’t give you my top 5 Nintendo video game characters I would love to see turned into motion picture characters.

5. Boo the Ghost

Round and grinning all the time, I wouldn’t mind seeing Boo have his own motion picture going around and scaring random people in the world. Just a thought. 

4. Mario

If Princess Peach ever makes an appearance, you have to have Mario in the picture. She might get kidnapped by Donkey Kong any moment! 

3. Princess Peach

Speaking of the princess…she will always be beautiful and lovely. Seeing her win the heart of Mario would be the cutest thing ever. So much cooler than The Notebook.

2. Mega Man 

This was one of the very first games I played as a kid, and I will continue to love his character. I can totally see Mega Man saving the world in his own feature film. 

1. Kirby

This loveable little fella will always win my heart. I would love to have some sort of motion picture with Kirby eating everything in sight. Big, round, pink and happy. That’s all you need.