We saw many big reveals - as well as surprises - on dozens of upcoming games, watched hours of interviews, trailers, and floor demos just to get a glimpse of the exciting new features to come, and witnessed one of the greatest next-gen console wars begin during Sony’s E3 Press Conference with the amazing reveal of the Playstation 4! Missed out on the epic moment when Sony “threw down the gauntlet”? Watch it here:


 We experienced both the good and bad that Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo had to offer at this year’s E3…but what about the weird? After soaking in the highlights of this year’s show, I’ve come up with a list of the top 3 games that I found to be a little bit more eccentric than the rest.

Before I bid a final farewell to this year’s E3, here’s my Top 3 List of the Weirdest Games of E3 2013:

3. Spin the Bottle: Bumpie’s Party (Wii U)

“Spin the Bottle?” With a title like that, I think it’s normal to feel a little hesitant. But, have no fear! Nintendo says that this is an “innocent game for innocent kids” (and kissing is not required). Spin the Bottle: Bumpie’s Party is the “ultimate” party game for 2-8 players on the Wii U and will not require use of a TV: 

I’m diggin’ the super cute graphics! And just a fun side-note, the developer of the game even suggested 2 core groups that would most likely find this game the most entertaining:

 “Ultimate” party game or “awkward” party game…that’s up to you to decide!

 2. Octodad: Dadliest Catch (Windows, Mac, Linux, PS4)

I think the trailer for this highly-eccentric title says it all:

Developed by Young Horses, this indie game will be the sequel to the first Octodad (yes, there was a first one). You play an octopus who is posing as a human (and even has a human family), and must attempt to complete household tasks and chores while maintaining this secret. (It seems pretty obvious that this suit and tie-wearing “dad” is an octopus…but who needs logic).

Sound boring? Well, here’s the catch: it’s a little difficult being an octopus in a human world! The game features awkward control mechanics…making it difficult to perform (what we humans would say are) simple everyday tasks. Overall, Octodad looks like a hilarious title to add to the collection if you’re looking for something “unique.” 

1. Lococycle (Xbox One)

 Developed by Twisted Pixel, Lococycle will be launching with the Xbox One and will be “exclusive” to the console.

You get to play as a talking motorcycle (named IRIS) who drags her companion, Pablo, by the ankle while engaging in melee-style combat. Cool? The bike is even described as:


I’m not really sure how I feel about this title (and as a PS4 fan…I don’t feel like it’s much of a loss). The idea is quirky and fun, but the game reminds me of something I’d see in an arcade at my local bowling alley or movie theater…not on a next-gen video game console. Improve the graphical quality and melee animation, and I might be more convinced.

Did you think there were any weird games announced at E3 2013? Let me know in the comments!